

CPE Toolbox

CPE Toolbox logo If you are a publisher, an author, or a technical editor, you should take a look at CPE Toolbox. It has tools for project management and time management. It has tools for course organization and structure. It has monitoring, feedback, and analysis tools. It also helps you document your course for NASBA compliance (whether Registry or QAS Self Study).

Representatives from NASBA viewed a demo of CPE Toolbox in January 2010. They were quite impressed with the product's design and granularity.

As a technical editor and author of NASBA Registry and QAS Self Study CPE courses, I designed CPE Toolbox from the ground up. This gradual process took almost three years and comes from my own personal experience meeting NASBA Registry and QAS requirements, along with meeting the specific needs of my individual CPE publishers and clients.

CPE Toolbox is designed with flexible structure in mind. Structure gives your work consistency and helps strengthen your final product. Flexibility means you have the ability to customize the structure to meet your specific needs or the needs of a specific project.

CPE Toolbox is also designed with monitoring, feedback, and analysis in mind. These features allow you to concentrate on the work at hand without worrying about whether you are staying within compliance parameters. CPE Toolbox can monitor your progress and let you know when you need to adjust course to stay in compliance -- and when your project is complete, these same tools can provide documentation of your project's compliance with publisher and NASBA requirements.

Want to learn more about how CPE Toolbox can help you with your CPE production needs? Click here to see a short (less than 5 minutes) pre-recorded demo.

Ready to purchase CPE Toolbox? Click here!

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